The thirst for knowledge on muscle building

Bryant Stamford
Special to the Courier-Journal

There is a lot of health-oriented information floating around in the media these days, which suggests that as a society we should be remarkably well-informed on health issues. Unfortunately, one can make the argument that decades ago when we had only newspapers, a handful of magazines, and few radio and TV stations to rely on, we may have been better informed than we are today. Why is that?

Back then, journalists investigated issues, gathered their facts, analyzed them thoroughly, then put together a piece for public consumption. There were reputations on the line, and folks took their reputations seriously. We could, in other words, have some level of confidence that what we were getting was reasonably accurate, or at the least, there was a good faith effort to be accurate.

Today, anybody can for any reason have a website or blog that spews out seemingly authoritative information. Often, there is no fact checking or scientific inquiry, but plenty of opinions of what one “thinks” might be correct. Worse, such opinions often are presented as solid, unassailable, and unbiased, when they are anything but.

So, what should you look for to help you determine the credibility of information?

1. Of course, apply common sense. If something seems too good to be true (double bacon cheeseburgers are good for your health), it probably isn’t.

2. The reputation of the site. If it’s WebMD, the American Heart Association, Harvard Health, etc. the information is solid because you have fact checkers and established folks with bona fide credentials (Ph.D., M.D., R.D. - registered dietitian, etc.) who are familiar with the scientific process and can separate fact from fiction.

3. A balance, especially when an issue is controversial. All sides, pro and con, should be presented.

4. Check more than one source and look for agreement.

5. Perhaps most important, be wary when the emphasis is to sell you something.

Thirst for knowledge on muscle building 

Muscle builders are a zealous lot, always on the hunt for an edge that will enhance their efforts. Thankfully, the sophistication of knowledge and the science associated with muscle building have advanced lightyears since I was a youngster lifting weights in the 1960s, and today there are scientifically based web sites that provide good information. But, as stated above, be careful of the many sites designed solely to promote the sale of bogus products.

When I started lifting weights all those decades ago, there were just a few muscle building magazines available, and the quality of information was appalling. Even so, I believed everything I read as if it were gospel. Years later, as I studied the science of physiology applied to exercise, I realized how foolish and downright ridiculous most of the information was, and how potentially dangerous as well.

Here is an example.

I began lifting weights at 14, and my goal was to build big arms. I was doing well, but I wanted faster progress. After reading an article entitled, "Add one inch to your arms in a week,” I knew I had found the secret. The article provided a workout that was brutal, high intensity and high volume, performed twice a day, morning and evening, every day for one week. Since I was a naive advocate of more is always better, this seemed perfectly logical to me, and I undertook the program with gusto.

If you know anything at all about muscle building, you know there has to be balance between the volume and intensity of training. The higher the intensity the lower the volume should be. If both are high, it’s too much, which was the case in the “one week” program. What’s more, after a grueling workout, there must be time for adequate recovery, typically at least two or three days of rest.

Obviously, the “one week” program was stupid beyond belief, and violated every muscle building principle, but I pushed through it. Long story short, my arms didn’t gain an inch. They actually shrank a bit, plus by the end of the week, I was noticeably weaker due to gross overtraining.

Next week, I’ll discuss a controversial issue in muscle building. Should you take NSAIDS (like ibuprofen) after a demanding weight training workout?

Reach Bryant Stamford, a professor of kinesiology and integrative physiology at Hanover College, at